
The Compact RVR TEX1003 TFT guarantees high continuity of operation in all operating conditions by automatic control (ALC) and Foldback protection with adjustable output power from 10 to 100%.

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The RVR TEX1003TFT has standard L&R, Mono, MPX and SCA / RDS analog audio inputs, with the possibility of TOSLINK and optional AES / EBU, as well as the integrated RDS encoder (UECP standard Low distortion values, high signal-to-noise ratio, combined with the saving of energy and environmental resources of high efficiency (more than 70% on the whole band) provides an excellent transmission service.

Limited maintenance is facilitated by extreme accessibility, the result of advanced modular engineering, and by a water-washable air filter. A complete control based on ARM microprocessor, from interactive menus on TFT Touch display of all important parameters and an integrated WEB / SNMP telemetry system (optional) guarantee full compliance with EC, FCC and CCIR regulations.